Real IELTS Speaking Tests

March 2012(Academic Module) in Kuwait.
Cue Card:
Talk about a positive change in your life. Please say
What was the change?
when did it happen?
Why do you think it was positive?

Do people need changes in their lives?
How do changes affect people socially?

March 2012(Academic Module) in the UAE
Cue Card:
Talk about the latest movie that you saw.Please say
What was the movie title?
When did you see it and with whom?
Why do you like/dislike it?

Do people learn more from watching a movie or reading a book?
Are there famous actors in your country?
How did they become famous?
How does the film making industry help your country?

March 2012 (Academic Module) in Sudan

Cue Card:
Talk about money that you have received as a present. Please say
Who gave you the money?
When did you receive the money?
How did you spend the money?

Which professions have the highest salaries in your country?
Who should have the highest salaries in your view?
Should parents give their children a lot of pocket money?

March 2012 (Academic Module ) in Bangladesh
Cue Card:
Talk about a product that you want to buy overseas. Please say
What kind of product is it?
Why are you buying this product overseas?
Is it easy to buy this product in your country?

Do you buy many products overseas?
Do you like your neighbors ?
Do you like young neighbors or older people?
Why are neighbors important ?
What do you think about the global economy?
Is market research important for export business?
Why is the internet useful for the global economy? 

March 2012 in Australia
Cue Card:
Describe a movie you like. Please say
What is the name of the movie?
What is it about ?
Why do you like it? 

How are movie stars treated in your country?
Should films be financed by the governments?
Do they have any educational value?
Can you learn other languages from movies?

March 2012 in Australia
Cue Card:
Describe an occasion when someone gave you money as present. Please say:
What did you do with that money?
Is there a tradition to give money to children in your country?
Do parents spend money wiser than children?

Do you think we can improve the English language communication in your country? How?
What kind of jobs highly paid in your country? 
Who do you think should be paid more : managers or workers?
Do you think people working for the society should be paid more? 

March 2012 in Oman
Cue Card:
Describe a food/meal that you like to eat. Please say
What kind of food/meal is it?
Why would you want to eat this particular food/meal? 
Who would you like to eat it with?

Is food important in your country?
Have the eating habits changed in your country in the recent years? Why?
What have changed?
Are people eating healthy foods?

April 2012 in India
Cue Card:
Talk about a wedding that you have recently  attended. Please say
Whose wedding was it?
What did you do there?
What was so special about this event that made you remember it?

Should weddings be kept small or humble , or big and fancy?
Why do people want to spend so much money on weddings?
What type of wedding do you think is better?
Do you think grand weddings are a waste of money?
What is your opinion about the current state of marriages?  


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